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Boston Building & Bridge Begins Construction for New Sandwich Public Safety Complex

Milton, MA - - September 22, 2017 – Boston Building & Bridge has been named as the general contractor for a new $13 million Public Safety Complex at the corner of Cotuit and Quaker Meetinghouse roads in Sandwich, MA. Groundbreaking for the project took place on September 22 and construction is expected to take 18 months to complete. The winning bid from Boston Building & Bridge encompasses construction of a new police headquarters, a fire substation and repairs to the East Sandwich Fire Station. Kaestle Boos Associates is the architect for the project.

When it was built in 1972, the Sandwich Police Station was designed to accommodate 9 employees. Today, the building is severely over-capacity with approximately 60 police personnel using the building. Boston Building & Bridge will be the general contractor for the new Public Safety Complex that includes: a new 1-story police station with adult detention areas including booking area, cells, processing area and other police station related spaces such as administrative offices, E911 communication equipment room, dispatch room, locker rooms, community/training/Emergency Operations Center, storage and interview rooms. The project will also include a pre-engineered metal building fire sub-station on the same site, as well as, improvements to the current East Sandwich Fire Station.

The professional experience of Boston Building and Bridge suits the project and includes “different type of private and a lot of public projects they’ve done, historic preservation, massive school buildings, medium-sized public safety buildings”, said Sandwich Tow

n Manager, George H. (Bud) Dunham. Recent projects of a similar type by Boston Building & Bridge include: construction of the Town of Mansfield Municipal Complex and renovation of the City of Cambridge Police Headquarters and Emergency Response Center.

About Boston Building & Bridge:

Founded in 1986, Boston Building & Bridge Corp. is a general contracting and construction management firm headquartered in Milton Massachusetts. The company has been serving public and private sector clients with an extensive construction and renovation portfolio that ranges from commercial and industrial buildings, schools and libraries, municipal buildings and recreational facilities, to multi-unit housing complexes, modular structures and a variety of specialty projects. In addition, Boston Building & Bridge has vast civil sector experience in road and bridge construction. To learn more, visit

Sandwich Public Safety Complex
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